Prospective Graduate Students 

Are you interested in studying aggressiveness of schoolchildren and adolescents with us at the CARE Lab? We are seeking for Cantonese-speaking applicants prospective Master and Doctor of Philosophy graduate students to join us. Successful applicants will contribute to several ongoing research projects that involve: 

  1. A Social Information Processing Based Group Storytelling Intervention in Reducing Aggression in Schoolchildren and,
  2. An Innovative Parenting Intervention in Reducing the Aggressiveness of Schoolchildren and Adolescents by Enhancing Their Parents' Parenting Efficacy and Involvement.

It is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable research experience and to work closely with a faculty mentor, as well as in a team setting. 

If you are interested, feel free to send the following information to Dr Annis FUNG by email at

  • Resume and Academic Transcript - Please list your academic achievement and previous research experience
  • Research Proposal and Statement of Purpose - Please describe the project that you would like to work on during your study period. Also, please provide a detailed plan for your proposed research project. 

For more information about the application in postgraduate admission, please visit the CityU Postgraduate Admission webpage. Applicants with a background in conducting independent research will receive special consideration.