
Dr. Annis FUNG Lai Chu


Associate Professor
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
City University of Hong Kong 

Degree: PhD, The University of Hong Kong (2004)
Phone: (852) 3442-2923
Faculty Profile

Corresponding Address:
Room Y7312, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 
Yeung Building, City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 

Recent Honours and Awards:
CityU Research Impact Award (2019)
CityU Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, Merit of Certificate (2017)
The United States's Third Annual Anti-Bullying Summit's HERO Award, School-University Leader (2013)
CityU Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award (2012)
HKU Distinguished Alumni Award (2010)
CityU Teaching Excellence Award (2009)
EDB's QEF Outstanding Project Award (2008) 


Dr. Annis Fung's PhD work pioneered to adopt the Two-Factor model of aggression, especially in schoolchildren and adolescents. She expanded the research on Two-Factor model of aggression to develop interventions with different approaches for reducing aggressive behaviour and victimisation, including: 

  1. Cognitive-Behavioural Approach
  2. Physio-Moral Approach
  3. Neurobiological Approach 
  4. Social Information Processing Approach 

Click to see more at Faculty ProfileCityU Scholar, Reseach Impact, and Curriculum Vitae.