Individual Counselling: Primary School (Teacher Strategies)


Proactive Aggressors 


    In this section, teachers will learn ways to solve conflicts between proactive aggressors and other students by learning the instant, intermediate and long-term intervention strategies that can be used to counteract the effects of proactive-aggressive behaviour. By watching these videos and instructions, teachers will develop a better understanding of the purpose and reinforcement underlying a student’s aggressive behaviour. Furthermore, teachers will learn how to assist a student to accept responsibility for the negative incident, and the correct, non-proactive-aggressive way to achieve his/her goals.


    Chun's case

    A student was reading a book, and Chun decided to bully this student. So he invited the other student to play a game with him, and when the student lost, Chun hit him. The student said he wanted to stop playing with him, and Chun said that he could do so if he gave his wallet to Chun.

    Characteristics of proactive aggressors


    • Believes that aggression is the way to show power
    • Goal-orientated
    • Has high IQ but overestimate own abilities
    • Underestimates the consequence of an action


    • Lacks empathy
    • Calm and rational


    • Bullies the weak
    • Good at arguing
    • Action is driven by rewards/benefits

    Social network

    • Some peers are willing to follow them
    • Likes to form and lead gangs
    • Invites reactive aggressors to be subordinates


    Negative example

    • This proactive aggressor was capable of answering the teacher’s questions and thus rationalised his negative behaviour. When the teacher encountered his arguments, she was unable to refute them and ignored the victim of the student’s misbehaviour.


    Instant intervention

    Because proactive aggressors are good at arguing with teachers, they will rationalise their bullying behaviour, so teachers should take the following actions.

    • Not blame the student right away.
    • Minimise unnecessary arguments.
    • Maintain a serious attitude, and state that teachers will investigate the incident thoroughly.
    • Follow-up individually with those involved, to understand the incident in detail.


    Intermediate intervention

    • Highlight the student’s main purposes and stop him/her from arguing.
    • Emphasise to the student the negative consequences of bullying.
    • Assist the student to accept responsibility for the incident.


    Long-term intervention

    • Proactive aggressors lack empathy. Therefore, teachers should assist the student to see things from others’ perspectives, and understand the negative effects of his/her behaviour on others. In addition, teachers should encourage the students to apologise to victims.
    • Teachers should understand what motivates a student’s aggressive behaviour, then encourage the student to achieve his/her goals in the correct manner, by using his/her intelligence.