1. Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire – Teacher Rating Scalepdf

Source: Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire – Teacher Rating Scale (RPQ; Raine et al., 2006)

The Reactive and Proactive Aggression Questionnaire – Teacher Rating Scale was derived from the same questionnaire completed by the students. The items correspond to the student version of the questionnaire and are used to assess whether a teacher perceives a student as a reactive or proactive aggressor. The scale is a more objective way to understand the proactive and reactive aggressiveness of each student. Each teacher scores each item on a 3-point scale from 0 (never) to 2 (always). The α coefficients obtained in this research were 0.95 (Reactive Aggression Index), 0.91 (Proactive Aggression Index) and 0.96 (Overall Aggression Index).


2. Child Behaviour Checklist – Teacher Report Form (No appendix due to copyright)

Source: Child Behaviour Checklist – Teacher Report Form (CBCL-TRF; Achenbach, 1991)

This Child Behaviour Checklist - Teacher Report Form is used to assess eight types of student’s internal and external behaviour from the teachers’ perspective. Four of the subscales were selected for use in this study: Aggressive Behaviour, Anxious / Depressed Symptom, Attention Problem and Delinquent Behaviour. Higher scores indicate a higher tendency in a specific area. Teachers rate the student’s behaviour on a 3-point scale from 0 (inaccurate) to 2 (very accurate). The summed subscale scores for the four checklists represent the students’ proactive aggression. Aggressive Behaviour, Anxious / Depressed Symptom and Attention Problem are used to assess whether the students are aggressive victims. The α coefficients obtained in this study were 0.97 (Aggressive Behaviour), 0.92 (Anxious/ Depressed), 0.94 (Attention Problem) and 0.83 (Delinquent Behaviour).


3. Peer Victimisation Questionnaire-Teacher Rating Scalepdf

Source: Peer Victimisation Questionnaire (PVQ; Lopez, 1997)

The Peer Victimisation Questionnaire - Teacher Rating Scale is a multi-dimensional behavioural evaluation. It includes 21 items that measure how frequently a student is physically bullied (e.g. "broke or destroyed his / her things"), verbally bullied (e.g. "said things to put him/her down") and socially isolated (e.g. "did not invite him/her to parties, dances, social events"). Each teacher is instructed to rate the items on a 5-point scale according to how often the student encountered the events within the past three months, from 1 (never) to 5 (always). The total score for the 21 items represents the student’s "Overall Victimisation Index". The scores can also be used to calculate the rating of three different types of victimisation: physical (six items), verbal (eight items) and social isolation (seven items). This PVQ was originally a self-report scale, but it was adapted for use by teachers in this study. However, because this questionnaire only describes cases of bullying that occur on campus, this assessment can only be applied to campus bullying. The α coefficient obtained in this study was 0.94.


4. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnairepdf

Source: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997)

The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire is designed to assess children’s empathetic behaviours perceived by their teacher. It is a 25-item scale developed by Goodman (1997) that taps prosocial behaviours, conduct problems, peer relationships and inattention/hyperactivity. Two subscales of the SDQ were used in this study: "peer relationship’ and ‘prosocial behaviour". Each teacher-rated whether each item (e.g. "Considerate of other people’s feelings"; "Generally liked by other children") was "not true", "somewhat true", or "certainly true" for a particular student. The responses in each subscale of the SDQ are summed to create scores for each subscale.


5. Teacher Discipline Style Inventorypdf

Source: Teacher Discipline Style Inventory (TDSI; Tomal, 1998; 2001)

Teacher Discipline Style Inventory (TDSI) is a scale that assesses a teacher’s disciplinary methods. The scale assesses different aspects of disciplinary methods the teacher has used, including enforcer, abdicator, supporter, compromiser and negotiator. Items are rated on a 5-point scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always), for the frequency of specific behaviours (e.g. ‘I exhibit high control over my students’; ‘I try to avoid disciplining my students’).